      Explanation: The panic of a sudden I do not know how to do.
      Usage: Supplemental; for the predicate; containing derogatory
      Source: "Northern Qi Shu-yuan Hui industry Biography": "filial piety before execution, panic-stricken, Hui industry Shenseziruo."
      Examples: Danger situation, should be calm, do not ~.
  • Thesaurus Group:  Cry abeyance, Cry uncertainly indefinitely, Zi Xiang throw
    not know whether one is coming or going, to feel exhausted both mentally and physically, lose one's bearings, vertigo, prostration, exhaustion
  • Antonym Group:  unconcern, hem and haw, keep one's own counsel, To blame is often, Strong body and strong, Develop Inspector Li-, Develop Tao-Li, As hard as rock, in a state of peaceful expose, take things coolly [calmly], everywhere aplomb, If the security of Thailand, with equanimity, Security, such as rock, Rejuvenate Lizhuang, be remote in time or space complacence, absolutely still, in the prime of one’ s life, deal calmly with a situation, defy, apathy, Eyes empty seas, Traversing it with equanimity, lustiness, face the fearful with no fears, Take (a) displeasure Not strange, defeat Had [would] as lief ...as dispirited, in good feather, peace freely, Surface free of fear, Ryoma mercury