Pinyin: huī huī yǒu yú
Usage: 补充式;作补语、定语;指宽广而有余裕
Explanation: 恢恢:形容宽广。指宽广而有余裕
Source: 庄周《庄子·养生主》:“彼节者有间,而刀刃者无厚。以无厚入有间,恢恢乎其于游刃必有余地矣。”
- Thesaurus: no object, disapproval, make a long nose at sb., not much, Chuoyouyuyu, enough and to spare, Treasures fill the home, Discard worthless thing as a pair of ragged(shabby,worn-out) shoes, Abandoned if worthless thing as a pair of ragged(shabby,worn-out) shoes, EXCELLENCE IN GEOTECHNICAL a margin, Chuo Ran superabound, leisure
- Antonym Group: A cold case, stoniness, be poor and blank, abject poverty, become debt-ridden, ruin, detest evil, empty house resembles a standing chime stone, (as) poor as Job, Minliecaijin, Management of Definitely, a matter of course, deprivation languish, The poor are Stricken