    Pinyin: fèn rán zuò sè

    Usage: 偏正式;作谓语、状语;含贬义

    Explanation: 由于愤怒而变了脸色。

    Source: 《孙膑兵法·威王问》田忌忿然作色‘此六者,皆善者所用,而子大夫曰非其急者也。然则其急者何也?’”

  • Thesaurus:  shout in casting dice, to gamble, cutesification, be filled with moral indignation, wrath of God and resentment of men, Shengqilinren, Evil has Matter referred, straighten the eyebrow and raise the eyes, have one's bosom filled with indignation, preciosity
  • Antonym Group:  I do not know pain itch, guiltless hurts, stupor, anaesthetize not benevolent, anaesthetize drift