Pinyin: xīn jiān shí chuān
Usage: 连动式;作谓语、定语;含褒义
Explanation: 意志坚决,能将石头穿透。比喻只要意志坚定,事情就能成功。
Source: 宋·江邻几《杂志》引封特卿《离别难》诗佛许众生愿,心坚石也穿。”宋·王懋《野客丛书》卷二十八世言‘心坚石也穿。’”
- Thesaurus: pinch -nies, persevere, an iron pestle can be ground down to a needle, Constant effort yields sure success, Time tries all., Tiechuchengzhen, meticulous job, grind through an inkstone, long years of study, economize to avoid running short, Jemmy Grind in acu-, foreknowledge
- Antonym Group: imbroglio, disarray, A collapse blindness, Dubious, be ambiguous and vague; tergiversation, extravagant; be wasteful; spend with a free hand, muck-up, blur, have a beginning but no end, start sth. but fail to carry it through, number of things mixed together without order, bedimming, (to utter, do, etc. something) all of a sudden, abruptly, or inexplicably, one's likes and dislikes caducity, soft in the head, Anticlimax