      Explanation: Coma: broom; Bom: water sprinkling to; painted: the earth. Sprinkler with a broom sweeping the ground, the soil cuttings. Metaphor easily do.
      Usage: The main predicate; as Complement, attributive; metaphor very easy to do
      Source: Han Ban Gu "Han Wang Bao Chuan": "water off a dragon, land and rhinoceros leather, suddenly if the picture painted coma Bom."
  • Thesaurus:  Common, wont, a hand's turn, Hands down Derived, horn Accessibility, Saliva hand Accessibility, not rare, nothing to write home about, Fameng oscillator off, Fire on Ice Alley, Raise one's hand Every move she makes, downwind blow the fire
  • Antonym Group:  larruping, ember reburn, (of a dead person's soul)find reincarnation in another's corpse— — (of sth.evil)revive in a new guise, with a special pattern, in a novel way, found a new school of thought, Do a flag tree, antic, open or find a new path or snap course, grotesquerie, oddity, Egregious homeliness, Different forces suddenly appear on the horizon, new force suddenly coming to the fore, fantasticality, have originality, Receive different standards of new