      Explanation: Lan: control. A person adheres to power, arbitrary.
      Usage: The main predicate; as predicate; describe the personal arbitrariness
      Source: Qing Zeng Pu, "Flower" The Sixth Round: "the soldier was not any feeling, but he forgot it so the helm, just get some small smart, some empty emotional trouble."
      Examples: So he forgot his, ~, just get some small smart space downtown more emotional. (Qing Zeng Pu, "Flower" The Sixth Round)
  • Thesaurus:  argue strongly on just grounds, prevail over all dissenting views, legitimate, dictatorial, dispatch troops with just cause, Troops out illustriousness, reply rapidly and fluently, hoodwink the public, Withhold truth from the emperor Wangshi, Answering Such as flow
  • Antonym Group:  encourage the free airing of views, exploit to the fully one's favourable conditions and avoid unfavurable ones, Zhuokoudunsai, Zhuokoudunci, clumsy Inarticulate brain, encephalon, awkward in speech, Awkward in speech, Fumble, awkward in speech, Quncequnli, brainstorm, Short cut to compensate, Blunt stammered cheek, synectics