Pinyin: zuò wò bù ān
Usage: 主谓式;作谓语、补语;含褒义
Explanation: 坐着躺着都不安宁。形容因忧愁恐惧而不安的样子。
Source: 明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第四十回自从哥哥吃官事,兄弟坐立不安,又无路可救。”
Example: 一连数日,神思恍惚,~。★明·冯梦龙《古今小说》卷六
- Thesaurus: fidget, swoon, thoughtfully, mind stupefaction, emotions which churn inside like the flow and ebb of tide accident, show appearance and give soul to, have a guilty conscience, Wavering Shook, be [sit, stand, walk] on [upon] thorns, arrear, delay, fool around, fidget, loaf, care