      Explanation: All sides have a way to pass. Transportation is very convenient. Analogy affair in context.
      Usage: Joint type; as subject, predicate, attribute; with compliment
      Source: "Asked the party sub-sub-Hua Ziyan": "out of its Tu, Stone and Octopus, YOU Shi of the hash also."
      Examples: Qing Lin, "American sounding batch of Trade for approval intrinsic": "Yi Center ~, prevention is difficult week."
      Results: Twelve ships out to sea; web
      Postscript: Twelve ships out to sea; web
      Riddle: Well; Crossroads are to Pass
  • Thesaurus:  prospect infinitude, move freely and continuously, esp within a closed system, Changhang come to (a standstill/an end/light/no harm/the rescue of), 1 through 100-pass