1. write and play strictly according to the rule of tune
  2. scholar, farmers, workers and merchants--the social castes of old China, in that order
  3. Business Yi Zhou Ding
  4. Hanshangjuzheng
  5. Wealthy businessmen
  6. From a long counsel
  7. Events such as constellations shen (Orion) and shang,(Antares),which never appear at the same time
  8. Hongshang Fugu
  9. Commerce Yi Xia Ding
  10. Xia Yi Ding business
  11. A palace Business
  12. to discuss together important affairs of state
  13. very rich merchant tycoon
  14. Constellations shen (orion) and shang,(antares),which never appear at the same time Danger
  15. Commercial [trade] intercourse Huigong
  16. Hanshangjuzheng
  17. Shift operators ecdysis
  18. Jia rich storage
  19. A wealthy merchant Big Jia
  20. Business inscribed angle Citation