Pinyin: náo náo bù xiū
Usage: 偏正式;作谓语、状语;含贬义
Explanation: 呶呶:形容说话唠叨;休:停止。唠唠叨叨,说个不停。
Source: 唐·柳宗元《答韦中立师道书》:“岂可使呶呶者早晚弗吾耳,骚吾心!”
- Thesaurus: to chatter without stop, nag; say over and over again; constantly repeat, Endless luxury luxury, have a nimble tongue, Bored, Enjoyable, music amid, yack, garrulous and sharp-tongued, Garrulous Cheap tongue, thousands and thousands of words, Language million thousand words, Shikuchuisheng, One long, one short
- Antonym Group: Qixiaruyu, Qitiruyu, banquet of brine, Tisiliulian