Explanation: Career: brings luck, good luck to the stars. Old school stars who believe that the fate and the stars on the location and operation, while the year to come, but nothing can go wrong, well. Usage: The main predicate; as subject, object, attribute; with compliment, for written language Source: Chen Canyun "Tropical Jingtao recorded": "That was when he was stabbed in Hong Kong on as an apprentice, with a 'year to come' meaning." Examples: Since then, ~, he will be a meteoric rise in politics the day. ★ Xu Chi "Peony"- Thesaurus Group: Promoting to a higher position, Climb step by step, soar on the wings of a cyclone, great happiness, climb up the ladder, high ranking official grandee, unusually lucky, heaven helps a good man; heaven keeps the good out of harm's way, good luck Gao Zhao, a stroke of luck
Perceive vitally bonanza - Antonym Group: portent, narrow escape, bode ill rather than well, monstrous catastrophe, crowning calamity; be swamped in the vast ocean