Pinyin: bó lǎn gǔ jīn
Usage: 动宾式;作谓语、定语;含褒义
Explanation: 博:广博。广泛阅读古今书籍。形容学问渊博
Source: 东汉·班固《汉书·成帝纪赞》:“博览古今,容受直辞。”
- Thesaurus: Scholarly, have wide learning and a retentive memory, read omnilegently, have wide learning and a retentive memory, Bowen is very knowledgeable, having broad knowledge of Confucian classics, (literally) a person with eight bushels of talent--a very talented or gifted person, Wenjiangxuehai, Cmp Zhi Qiang, Extraordinary ability and insight, ebullition of genius, Matchless talent, part class
- Antonym Group: an ignorant person, Mediocrity Wuqi, Chuliyongcai, have a nodding acquaintance with sb., smattering, A little knowledge of non-, Low high eye brow, poor in talent but very ambitious, Vice Shaocai