1. put the trivial above the important
  2. Guapoudoufen
  3. Bean profile control dismember
  4. Treat others for earnest Tears of Blood
  5. Profile control liver Tears of Blood
  6. Pouxuanxiwei
  7. Pouyouxiwei
  8. Treat others for earnest Split liver
  9. Poubengqiuzhu
  10. Scope of operation Poupan
  11. Xihaopoumang
  12. A whole [half, quarter] note Wupou
  13. Analysis and judgment Such as flow
  14. Cuixinpougan
  15. analysis liver and gall
  16. Pouhaoximang
  17. s heart
  18. Poubangdezhu
  19. Xihaopouli
  20. Xijingpouwei
  21. Doufenguapou
  22. Dismember Bean profile control
  23. Jiejingpouxin
  24. Treat others for earnest Analysis of bile
  25. Pu profile control from Sand
  26. Treat others for earnest Analysis of liver
  27. Guapouqibu
  28. Shuganpoudan
  29. Worm-eaten beams pecking profile