Explanation: Tilt: overturning; City: State. Originally referred to the result in sex and subjugation. Looks very much describe the women after the United States. Usage: Joint type; as predicate, attributive; with commendatory Source: Han Ban Gu, "Han Dukes passed down Takatake Ms. Li": "North has beautiful woman, a paragon of independent, one man city dump Gu, then pour one country care." Examples: A very real Princess ~. (Yuan Bai Park, "Tree and Rain" the first break)- Thesaurus: very beautiful, breath-taking beauty, very beautiful, a lotus flower when fully open, Figured stockings Maung month, Xiuhuabiyue, an exceptionally beautiful woman, for whose sake a city in ruined or a country lost, Luoyanchenyu, (of a woman)exceedingly beautiful belle, heaven fragrance and national beauty, Luoyanchenyu