Pinyin: yǐ gǔ fēi jīn
Usage: 偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;指用历史故事非难当今
Explanation: 非非难,否定。用历史故事抨击当前的政治。
Source: 《史记·秦始皇本纪》有敢偶语《诗》《书》者弃市,以古非今者族。吏见知不举者与同罪。”
- Thesaurus: make use of the subject under discussion to put over one's own ideas, use the past to disparage the present, Zhijimagou, make the past serve the present, Curse that dog pig, Yigufengjin, The ancient metaphor for the modern, Old were Kam, cite past and prove today, By the ancient metaphor for the modern