Explanation: Sleeves, in addition to the wind, but nothing else. Parable official corruption. Also used to refer too poor to nothing. Usage: The main predicate; as the predicate attribute; with compliment Source: Yuan Wei Chu, "free Yang Jimei" poem: "My father scattered temples, such as silk, have clean hands a bunch of poems." Examples: ~ Official of his life, loved by the masses. Riddle: Horseshoe services- Thesaurus: (of an official) clean and devoted, and govern the state with his own example of uprightness, be not soiled with a particle of dust, Fruit only (thing or person), An honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government Zishou, do not take anything for oneself not rightfully his (said of integrity of public servants), lofty Lone Survivor, Ordinary careful
- Antonym Group: make clean riddance of, (worries, doubts) completely removed, round up the whole gang at one fell swoop, Head Livestock Ming, A fair face may hide a foul heart., animal, blinded or dulled by greed, venality, As a profit-, lick[smack] one's lip, have a caustic and flippant tongue, verjuice, be completely discredited, completely sweep away, uproot, Qiajianlachao, rapacity, wild or brutish person, snakes and scorpions, vicious people heart, clothes and hat birds and beasts, Avarice Wuyan, A-comes with eating., burn with an ambition, spare no effort in taking advantage of what one puts his hand on, a soaring ambition