Pinyin: bù móu ér tóng
Usage: 紧缩式;作谓语、定语;形容想法、行动一致
Explanation: 谋:商量。事先没有商量,言行都保持一致
Source: 唐·韩愈《请上尊号表》:“考其所陈,中于义理,天人合愿,不谋而同。”
- Thesaurus: take the same action or view without prior consultation, happen to coincide, All roads lead to Rome., with one voice, known widely, universally known, etc. (said of good deeds, expertise, etc.), in one voice, be all in a [one, the same] story, monotony, different in approach but equally satisfactory in result, use different approaches to achieve equally satisfactory result, Different Ways go to same goal, Special coating go to same goal, Word of the word, If a word of, Word of simultaneous
- Antonym Group: On the less competition and more, argue, be vastly different as between heaven and earth, Yunlong frog, head to head, the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom, Various ideas Divergent rub, discordant opinions, be sure to whisper, each sticks to his own version, Was divided on, Let each speak mind, be widely divergent; be entirely different; be strikingly at variance, in contradistinction to [from], haggle over every ounce, whisper, Whispers, gossip; rumor, See See Jen Chi, each person offers a different version, agitation numerous and confused