      Explanation: Tired: too; trouble: trouble. Never too cumbersome and troublesome
      Usage: Verb-object type; as predicate, adverbial; with a compliment, to describe very patient
      Source: Song, Yuan Xie, "pull out fast _set_": "Zhi's Xianjun, afraid the trouble, but God does not listen to each."
      Examples: The history is different today is that will come to like the smallest daily in Lu Yan, Xiao Mao's personal petty, ~, its never too rustic. (Ching Yan Fu, "said school rumor.")
      Riddle: Mixed
  • Thesaurus:  describe (dwell) at great length, not to cast away anything, big or small; save everything,big or small, Detailed Is dedicated, no omission, subtle Buyi, Small large completely