      Explanation: The times: At that time the needs and trends. The situation is not suitable for the needs of the times. Also refers to secular learning is still substandard.
      Usage: Verb-object type; as predicate, object; containing derogatory
      Source: Fee Gun Song "on the east slope of Liangxi Man Chi Shier language": "Chaoyun is said: 'belly not being a desirable degree.'"
      Examples: Chaoyun is said: "Degree of a belly ,~。"( fee Gun Song" Liang Xi Chi Man "IV)
  • Thesaurus:  mistime, be out of(the) fashion, bromide, Commonplace, Old tune, retroact, sing the same (old) song, Jiuhuachongti, The past things Chongti, (literally) stoves in summer and fans in winter--untimely, commonplace, phrase or idea which is used so often that it has become stale or meaningless, back, remark, etc that is ordinary or unoriginal
  • Antonym Group:  Well Well coherent, adopt measures according to time, bow unctuously, Nono coherent, Repeatedly That is, Not hear the news, unheard-of, Hourly System should