1. analphabetic
  2. do not know the simplest character
  3. Rending prosperity
  4. Shougu be alone and helpless
  5. Badingchouxie
  6. Press-gang Pull wedge
  7. Ding Mao II
  8. Ding Kakuji
  9. Cook Liberation
  10. Paid Bingding
  11. Common people in chinese feudal society Popular off
  12. be alone and helpless alone and helpless
  13. Wensoudingjia
  14. Fung Kat Ding Chen
  15. Dinggong Sinking
  16. Ding did not know a
  17. I do not know Ding Dong
  18. Did not know of a small
  19. without friends and relatives.
  20. Mengsaliaoding
  21. Mengsaliaoding
  22. Ding did not know
  23. Esplanade Isolated from the small
  24. be conscientious and meticulous