Explanation: That can not be honored, that is to take money check. Analogy is not ready to implement the promise. Usage: Partial official; as subject, object; containing derogatory Source: Fen "Thirty years ago the democratic movement": "They think that emit a 'nine-ready' the bad check, you can ease the air." Examples: I did not know at what happened to her study, heart some strange Li Feng indiscriminate ~. (Ru Zhijuan "in the fruit garden") Riddle: Nominal paychecks- Thesaurus: Crossed swords with Mercy, So because "upon receipt of this..." (a platitude in Chinese documentary writing), gobbledygook, routine, And gave himself for the public, in the clouds, to imitate others or to follow the beaten path without questioning, be a mere scrap of paper, Without fear or favour Who is, milk run, follow the example set by the superior; the inferiors imitate the superiors, Without self-interest, utter devotion to others, Zouyingqizi, Fang Yu Fang water, type, system, Mode