Pinyin: yíng qiān lěi wàn
Usage: 联合式;作定语、补语;形容数量非常多
Explanation: 盈满;累积。成千上万。形容数量非常多。
Source: 《清会典事例》卷七十六乃混开久项,竟至盈千累万。”
- Thesaurus: too many to be enumerated, too many to be counted; innumerable, their name is legion, be too numerous to list, people like those are not lacking; quite a few such people, Than the house can be closed, Bibi alike, Raise the eyes Are all, thousands uponthousands, Accumulate as (if) Mountain, an army 500, 000 strong numerous, hundreds upon thousands, be all over the sky all over the plains, finger Be lost in bend, hundreds upon thousands, lie in a heap