    Pinyin: yǒu kǒu nán yán

    Usage: 兼语式;作谓语、宾语、定语;指有难言之隐

    Explanation: 言说。虽然有嘴,但话难以说出口。指有话不便说或不敢说。

    Source: 宋·苏轼《醉睡者》诗有道难行不如醉,有口难言不如睡。”

    Example: 如今轮到你山阳县,这都是官吏每无心正法,使百姓~。★元·关汉卿《窦娥冤》第三折

    Postscript: 糯米糕粘嗓子

    Riddle: 哑;哑巴

  • Thesaurus:  secret act, unable to give a convincingexplanation for self-defense, A mouth Nanbian, Tibetan monkeys Mountain, Stealthy, Peru without speaking, be hard to state what ails one in the mird, stick in one's throat, Bitter wordless, There I was difficult to separate