    Pinyin: xué fù cái gāo

    Usage: 联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义

    Explanation: 学识渊博,才能高强。

    Source: 明·朱之瑜《答安东守约问三十四条》不能作文,虽学富五车,忠如比干,孝如伯奇、曾参,亦冥冥没没而已!”

  • Thesaurus:  of great literary talent, Magic Pen flower, speak come out as an article, words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master, the thread of ideas in writing acuity, write like an angel, Kam I heart embroidery, a gifted pen, a graphic pen, mercury bellyful, combed and arranged silk threads bellyful, Bellyful Long before, Jinxinxiufu, bellyful story, Si as ki 1
  • Antonym Group:  Only Exhaust chile exhausted, at one's wits' `end not knowing what to do or say because of worry or desperation, Jiang Yan to have exhausted one's talent, one's literary talent is at an ebb; have lost one's talent; one's inpiration has dried up, Total poor power to do, Total poor exhausted