Pinyin: xìng zāi lè huò
Usage: 联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义
Explanation: 幸高兴。指人缺乏善意,在别人遇到灾祸时感到高兴。
Source: 《左传·僖公十四年》背施无亲,幸灾不仁。”又《庄公二十年》今王子颓歌舞不倦,乐祸也。”
Example: 对于同学的缺点和错误,我们不应采取~的态度。
- Thesaurus: hit a man who is down, to attack someone who has already fallen from power, Zhiren a fatal position, attack someone who has already fallen from power, rejoice, glory, hug oneself at, congratulate oneself
- Antonym Group: aim at helping those criticized, Danzhougongji, How to foam phase, when the hare dies, the fox is grieved, Knife reincarnation, Hold the execution! (The exclamation was used in old China when a criminal about to be beheaded on the execution ground won a last-minute pardon or when the case was suddenly reversed.), Sword spare sb.'s feelings, show great concern for the dead and ill, cast (in) one's lot with [throw in one's lot with], freemasonry, the virtue in sparing animal life, an errand of `mercy journey to bring help to sb who is in distress, put oneself in another's position, Save trapped adversities, Emergency help injured, learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones, and to cure the sickness to save the patient, Rumohezhe, all beings grieve for the fellow beings, share the same destiny, Xiangxuyimo, xiangxumo, Profound feelings, xiangrumo, Zhifenhuitan, open one's purse count on, show the utmost solicitude, help in one's hour of need, yeoman's service