      Explanation: That due to extreme pain or grief, fainted, and woke up. Described more badly beaten, or cry loudly.
      Usage: Joint type; as predicate, complement; containing derogatory
      Source: "Beijing cut the wrong Cui Ning popular novel": "now everyone will be very tough lady was tortured Cui Ning and small meal."
      Examples: Liu prefect has scared ~. (Qing Li Baojia "A Short History of Civilization," the third time)
      Riddle: Reincarnation; life; slaughterhouse
  • Thesaurus:  painting clever fingers, effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life; show admirable skill in curing diseases and bringing life to patients; the physician with magic hand acts like a charm, raise from the dead, sheding tears while speaking, wake up from death, so agonizing as to threaten to die, thick-skinned and hard to shake off, cure a patient by mere touch, To cure the patient, Proceed into the spring, Embark Seng Chun