Pinyin: tóu shàng ān tóu
Usage: 紧缩式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义
Explanation: 比喻多余和重复。
Source: 宋·黄庭坚《拙轩颂》:“何况头上安头,屋下盖屋,毕竟巧者有余,拙者不足。”
- Thesaurus: A-(me)another !, Bed safety bed, nedless duplication as piling one bed upon another or building one house on top of another, House was added to our house, Huazhiloubing, Crown on (in old china) a capping ceremony for a young man when he reaches 20, ask while knowing the answer, leadership rendered ineffectual by recalcitrant subordinates, overlap organizations or constructions, Shi bed bed, alternate Bedstead house
- Antonym Group: Have no choice but Or missing, absolutely necessary, Chichouwosuan, better troops and simpler administration