    Pinyin: qiān nán wàn xiǎn

    Usage: 联合式;作谓语、宾语;形容困难和危险极多

    Explanation: 形容困难和危险极多。

    Source: 元·杨景贤《西游记》第五本第四折:“火焰山千难万险。”

    Example: 他历尽了~终于回到了阔别五十年的老家

  • Thesaurus:  Pool of sophisticated, have crossed the deep,blue sea, having experienced great changes in the world, have ebb and flow, sup sorrows by the ladleful, Thorn Set way, ado anfractuosity, mountains are high,torrents swift
  • Antonym Group:  Go into the society Not deep, with approval of ebb and flow