      Explanation: Refers to the one in place under the sun. Described as very far apart, to meet difficulties.
      Usage: Predicate; as predicate, object; describe the two distant
      Source: Han Su Wu "Poetry": "good friend far leave, all in one day."
      Examples: President this go, ~, but at what date unknown meet. (Ming Luo Guanzhong "Three Kingdoms" back to the 36th)
  • Thesaurus:  the utmost angle of the world, distinguished and admirable disappear, numerous mountains and rivers, away back the remotest places as the ends of the earth, very close the winged steed, Very close Miles Village, a short distance away,and yet poles apart— see little of each other though living nearby, World twists and turns
  • Antonym Group:  posthaste, Troubadour road gold medal, troubadour gold medal, burst spot fire, be in a frantic hurry