    Pinyin: liáng yào kǔ kǒu

    Usage: 主谓式;作主语、宾语、分句;用于规劝

    Explanation: 好药往往味苦难吃。比喻衷心的劝告,尖锐的批评,听起来觉得不舒服,但对改正缺点错误很有好处。

    Source: 晋·陈寿《三国志·吴志·孙奋传》:“夫~,惟疾者能甘之;忠言逆耳,惟达者能受之。”

    Example: 夫~,惟冼者能甘之。忠言逆耳,惟达者能受之。(《三国志·吴志·孙奋传》)

  • Thesaurus:  confidence; heart-to-heart talk; words from the bottom of one's heart, From bottom of one's heart Words, golden saying, wisdom, Metal and stone Words, Metal and stone Good words, what the heart thinks the tongue speaks, Remedies as medicines and stone needles for acupuncture Words, Introduction of a letter, s heart, The style is the man., bona fides truth, Their Golden words, Stone Introduction
  • Antonym Group:  afford little or no evidence, Was insufficient, gossip, rumour, feel parched with thirst, very thirsty, Chunjiaokouzao, Chunjiaoshebi, Absurd arguments, hearsay;grapevine, Monstrous Big panic, rouser, Bald, No case can be protracted, ignorant twaddle, eyewash, Video fishing lookout, doublespeak, Current short gadfly long, Gossip, Overseas adventures, whopper, monstrous lie, Jifengbuying, Jifengbujing, Believe all that one hears Words, talk till one’ s tongue and lips are parched, word, Feijin quarrel, assertion against one’ s own conscience, False The theory, Charming eyes, Big fan of lying, groundless talk, slanderous gossips, hearsay