    Pinyin: mí tú zhī fǎn

    Usage: 连动式;作谓语;含褒义

    Explanation: 迷途:迷路;反:反回。迷了路知道回来。比喻犯了错误能改正

    Source: 《南史·陈伯之传》:“夫迷途知反,往哲是与。”

    Example: 一个人要~、知错必改。

  • Thesaurus:  Mo and regret, No remorse and, Round go astray Knowledge back to, return to the fold; turn over a new leaf; return of the prodigal son, penance remorse, too late to repent, Lock the barn after the horse is stolen., wake up to the danger at last moment, Fans make the right back, Anti-fan with knowledge, change quickly and completely contrition, Retreat neck-rein, regret in vain, Lock the barn after the horse is stolen., lock, etc the stable door after the horse has bolted try to prevent or avoid loss, damage, etc when it is already too late
  • Antonym Group:  Without anti-fans, Fans not return