Explanation: Mobilize the army to denounce the other sins. Also refers to the row views to come together a group of people questioned. Usage: -Linked; as the predicate attribute; containing derogatory Source: Song Shen Kuo, "Meng Xi Bi Tan," Volume II-fifth Yuan Hao is the reign title, system code of dress, music, ordered the country, the noted book by Fan, Hu Li, claiming great summer. The court send a punitive expedition. " Examples: Where they come to visit them all Oh my, they come to ~. ★ Chiang "field of the wind"- Thesaurus: awfully, condemn both in speeches and in writings, resort to arms, attack on a grand scale, energetically, roughhouse, Sounding drum and the attack, awfully; terribly
- Antonym Group: Guiltless Ding Dong, cannot tell beans from wheat, The journey, dwarf to watch a play, bark at shadows and sounds, Dwarf theater, Simply repeating what bark Shadow