Explanation: Described the many talented people together. Usage: Partial official; as predicate; with commendatory Source: Qing Gui Zhuang "wait and see Floor Materials order": "Les Famous People today also, gather together, the righteous cause of right and proper, lengthy Yinger." Examples: Photography ~'s full of children. (Qing "," brighter "and" all times "") Riddle: Funding Springs home alone- Thesaurus: He advocates this, and, He sang this and, with a party of distinguished friends, Cichangbihuo, (literallyt) The man sings, the wife follows.--domestic harmony, Be echoed, much visited house with the courtyard as crowded as a marketplace, Female with male singing, Wise people Complete set, with a large retinue, One command draws a hundred answers (said of wealthy of powerful person with a large number of attendants), alpha and omega commensurability, There is standing room only, Respondents swarm, Answer Wind from
- Antonym Group: separation (said of people), a person in solitary splendour, friendless and wretched, (of an object) form and shadow antithesis, life and death part forever, part never to meet again, Lrt Reduced from, travel with light luggage and few attendants, eternal regret through the ages, Happy couple minutes flying