Pinyin: jiāng xīn bǔ lòu
Usage: 偏正式;作谓语、定语;同船到江心补漏迟
Explanation: 船到江心才补漏洞。指临到紧急关头才设法补救。
Source: 元·无名氏《七十二朝人物演义·叶公》:“今为吾主计之,必先预为准备,莫待临歧勒马、江心补漏,是臣之愿也。”
Example: 可正是船到~迟。(元·无名氏《百花亭》第三折)
- Thesaurus: unaware? unprepared, to dig a well when thirsty, Regret of the Mo and, Before battle begins Polish, before battle begins hone, Patients to call heaven, not dig a well until one thirsty— — not make timely preparations
- Antonym Group: peradventure, for caution's sake, throw one's weight about, prepared for any eventuality, in case (of) contingency, casualness, (of parents) to bring up cihldren for the purpose of being looked after in old age, The idea that day, used for one day, Support troops for a thousand days in the moment, Device 2 is not deficient, because of the possibility of sth happening, be ever prepared, Store is no sore., count on one's cards, make providence, be precautious beforehand, nip (crush,check) the matter in the bud, like a dog threatening other people on the strength of its master’ s power, Rainy day, economise, nip in blossom, prevent