    Pinyin: jiǎ gōng jì sī

    Usage: 连动式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义

    Explanation: 假借;济帮助。假借公家的名义,谋取私人的利益。

    Source: 《汉书·杜业传》方进终不举白,专作威福,阿党所厚,排挤英俊,托公报私,横厉无所畏忌。”元·无名氏《陈州粜米》第一折他假公济私,我怎肯和他干罢了也呵!”

    Example: 现在那些招摇撞骗,~的玩意儿太多了。★欧阳山《三家巷》二六

  • Thesaurus:  endless arrival of guests, forget morality and justice when one sees money, Inhuman, egoism, be extremely cruel and merciless, high ranking official high officials, mandarin, local tyrants and evilgentry; local bullus and evilgentry, high post with salaries to match, (in old China) officials of higher ranks minister, go on and miscellaneous, encroach upon the interests of sb. for one's own good, benefit oneself at the expense of public inte, be rich and cruel, bloodiness callosity, On business Leave the private, egocentricity, corruption malfeasance, use of unfair or corrupt methods in order to gain a financial or political advantage, malfeasance, dereliction
  • Antonym Group:  be no respecter of persons, serve the public without thought of advantage to oneself, Busniss is business., be so devoted to public interests as to forget one’ s own interests, inspiring awe by upholding justice; uphold the cause f righteousness, place righteousness above family loyalty; punish one's own relations in the cause of justice, not make chalk of one and cheese of the other, Feelingless Absolute justice, mirror beetle, uprightness, Ruined house to relieve, Little Self-care Especially benefit, Law does not Kuei, dragnet callosity, Without fear or favour Mie Si, Qin mirror beetle, sacrifice the great [last, supreme] sacrifice, Kyodo hanging mirror