Pinyin: gōng zhèng bù ē
Usage: 联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义
Explanation: 公平正直而不曲意迎合
Source: 宋·陆游《老学庵笔记》第九卷:“相之本主元祐政事者,然其言公正不阿如此,可谓贤矣。”
Example: 他~的性格值得我们学习。
- Thesaurus: Iron unyielding, be enduring as the universe, as long as the heaven and earth endure, adamantine, Hao ran Qi, constancy not to change, Jian-Gang unyielding, to give rewards or punishment strictly and impartially
- Antonym Group: Let bygones be bygones, Do not chase past