      Explanation: Described as vivid and makes the person feel as if saw the general.
      Usage: The main predicate; as adverbial, complement; a person talking, etc.
      Source: Yu, "Gao Ting Mountain": "All these, and the ash treatment and disease, such as the latest miracle queen tomb, they put it vivid."
      Examples: He suddenly put a happy child and you are out, say ~, they do have a meaning. (Qing Li Ruzhen "Flowers in the Mirror," the sixty-fifth back)
  • Thesaurus:  truth to nature [life], be vivid and dramatic, mettlesome, be vividly portrayed, Lifelike, The living God come alive, Hear what people as reflected in its, mean and distasteful language or conduct, Start to write Interesting, vivid, to the turn of a hair, Qiongxingjizhuang
  • Antonym Group:  while life shall last, a flash of hope, A chance, collapse at the first encounter, collapse at the first blow, dying, Death may come (to a person) any minute, dying, strong in appearance but weak in reality, on one's last legs, Defeated, No hand-inch blade, bare-handed, flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force, flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force, Linger, Bare hands enter the field, bare-handed, go into battle stripped to the waist