    Pinyin: fēn miǎo bì zhēng

    Usage: 主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义

    Explanation: 一分一秒也一定要争取。形容抓紧时间。

    Source: 柯岩《奇异的书简·船长》:“我们现在要搞四化,分秒必争哩!”

    Postscript: 百米赛跑

    Riddle: 赛跑;抢角度

  • Thesaurus:  The mill cannot grind with the water that is past., speed is precious in war, a speedy fight dispatch, seize a chance, Have no choice but Or ease, By iron is hot, avail oneself of Hydration mud, against time, Cut the Gordian knot, Broken mess knife, Now (in the time) or never!, Opportunity knocks but once., Time and tide wait for no man., Time and tide wait for no man
  • Antonym Group:  There is still time to mend, Zhicuojiugai, take measures in time, Gu Dog Your Brother