Pinyin: dǎn xiǎo rú shǔ
Usage: 主谓式;作谓语、定语;含贬义
Explanation: 胆子小得象老鼠。形容非常胆小。
Source: 北齐·魏收《魏书·汝阴王天赐传》:“言同百舌,胆若鼷鼠。”
Example: 他们样子往往很凶,其实~。(郭小川《文学工作不能跃进》)
- Thesaurus: scrounge, glance right and left, fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind/ hesitate in doing something, throw something at a rat,but afraid to break the vase, play the jackal to the tiger, abet an ill-doer, Wings for the tiger, Fu Wing for the tiger, Jie for the child to help, Days for the child to help
- Antonym Group: go ahead bravely without looking back, plead in the name of the people, People from harm, brave the wind and the waves, break through brambles and thorns, Head not askance, be all eyes, Not evil, as the project, Do not sit in the ear, have lofty aspirations or realize it marching forward courageously, stride forward singing militant songs