    Pinyin: tōu liáng huàn zhù

    Usage: 联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义

    Explanation: 比喻暗中玩弄手法,以假代真,以劣代优。

    Source: 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第97回:“偏偏凤姐想出一条偷梁换柱之计,自己也不过潇湘馆来。”

    Example: 毛泽东《新民主主义论》:“这个叫做~,实行投降之前的思想准备或舆论准备。”

    Riddle: 木贼

  • Thesaurus:  take the rap, graft, Tao Li on behalf of the stiff, substitute one thing for another; substitute this for that, Day for day shift, Shift Palace molt, Public drunk public and taken to drink Li Zhang, Zhang Li Kung Kung taken to drink Britain, Traversing it graft