Explanation: Is:; non: wrong. Said the wrong pair on the say wrong. The right and wrong upside down. Usage: Verb-object type; as the predicate attribute; containing derogatory Source: Tang and Han Yu, "Dr. Tang Taixue Shih epitaph": "Gusheng hide its secret purpose micro, Luo Annotations Fun, right and wrong." Examples: We hope that this era ~ faster in the past. (Mao Zedong, "On Coalition Government") Riddle: Dry soil- Thesaurus: to confuse black and white, call black white, talk black into white, call black white, recriminate; make false countercharges; put the blame on the victim, quit love with hate, bite the hand that feeds one, to hit back at sb., To cut en justice, Sensational, alarmism, shocking; appalling, Wapiti Yi-shaped, to distort fact, Means the deer for Ma, the devil rebuking sin