Pinyin: niú guǐ shé shén
Usage: 联合式;作主语、宾语、定语;含贬义
Explanation: 牛头的鬼,蛇身的神。原形容虚幻怪诞。后比喻社会上形形色色的坏人。
Source: 唐·杜牧《李贺诗序》:“牛鬼蛇神,不足为其虚荒诞幻也。”
- Thesaurus: enormity, Hun Shi archfiend, arbitrariness infestation, Evil spirits, rape and rapine (said of atrocities committed by invading troops), Enormity Qiongxiong, forces of evil as ghosts and goblins, as ferocious as wolves and tigers, devils, appearance mean and ferocious, Crime Guan Ying
- Antonym Group: lament to heaven and knock one's head on earth utter cries of anguish, A slave transfiguration, compromise out of consideration for the general interest; make concessions to achieve one's purpose; stoop to compromise, Submit to humiliation, kindly and amiable, choke with sob, copious tears, have one's face covered with tear stains, Old man in tears, gulp down a sob