    Pinyin: tàn náng qǔ wù

    Usage: 连动式;作谓语、定语;含褒义

    Explanation: 囊:口袋;探囊:向袋里摸取。伸手到口袋里拿东西。比喻能够轻而易举地办成某件事情。

    Source: 《新五代史·南唐世家·李煜》:“中国用吾为相,取江南如探囊中物尔。”

    Example: 点小事,如~。(梁斌《播火记》十二)

  • Thesaurus:  acquire sth.easily, be sure to succeed easily, go on [upon] the scamp, very easily obtainable, Hand to cite, have full assurance to get go after an easy prey as one who catches a tuttle in a jar
  • Antonym Group:  Knock the ice to fire, Dao in the blind, draw water with a bamboo basket; all in vain, Yuanshanqiuyu, Yuanmuxiyu, seek a hare in a hen's nest, Making fire drill ice, Drilling the ice to fire, Zuanhuodebing, Ask the way from a blind person