      Explanation: Micro, small; feet worth; Road about. Very small, not worth mentioning. Refers to the meaning, value too small to deserve mention.
      Usage: Partial official; as predicate, object; for human
      Source: Guo, "blossom color Jin" poetry in the clubs though we are insignificant. However, our color is purple considered representative. "
      Examples: Although we in the clubs ~. However, our color is purple considered representative. (Guo "blossom color Jin" poetry)
      Results: Flea on an elephant
      Postscript: Flea on an elephant
      Riddle: Macro Level
  • Thesaurus Group:  nothing to speak of, can be counted on the fingers of one hand, extremely trifling or minute, the words of the lowly carry little weight, Renweiquanqing, Xiaoxiao Bu Yan
  • Antonym Group:  too numerous to be counted, promote Raise the standard of revolt say or name numbers in order, number Be lost in number, too numerous to record