    Pinyin: zhǎn jìn shā jué

    Usage: 联合式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义

    Explanation: 全部杀光。比喻做事不留余地。

    Source: 明·吴承恩《西游记》第五十三回我本待斩尽杀绝,争奈你不曾犯法。”

  • Thesaurus:  cut (it) fine, cut the weeds and dig up the roots— destroy root and branch, evil must be completely eradicated, kill people like flies, a huge debt of blood; blood feud; intense and deep-seated hatred, thousand cuts and myriad pieces, Wanguaqiandao, Shixue by nature, tear a body limb from limb, blood debt continuously, A red sea of (blood, wine) Yuanchou
  • Antonym Group:  cherish [mourish, warm] a serpent [snake, viper] in one's bosom, cure tumor sow seeds of disaster, Aftermath support carbuncle, Keep tiger bring about disaster, Since Yang Hu calamity, warm [cherish, nourish] a snake in one's bosom, Breeding Grace, an endless flow of disastrous aftermath (because no preventive measures are taken), great kindness, with might redoubled, En Deep Meaning of the thick, deep favor, let the tiger return to the mountains — cause calamity for the future, s ability Grace, s ability Sense, let the tiger return to the mountain, Water dragons have, leave a legacy of trouble boundless, Harm boundless, calamity boundless, calamity boundless, Rain grace, Huang Fei Teng Tap, make one's (own) way