    Pinyin: tǎn tè bù ān

    Usage: 联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义

    Explanation: 忐忑:心神不定。心神极为不安。

    Source: 清·吴趼人《糊涂世界》第九卷:“两道听了这话,心里忐忑不定。”

    Example: 母亲谨慎地窥视着一切动静,心里~,她怕有人出卖星海。(冯德英《苦菜花》第十章)

  • Thesaurus:  overlook, feeling of discomfort or nervous fear, utterly devoid of conscience; be entirely heartless, dehumanization, be struck with panic, willies, Large Gourmet Kitchen, consume, be on the anxious seat, Wits, tipsy, Kuang He booze, Drink ears flush from excitement, Drunk food eat, Fond, raven, have no appetite for food, Wine lovers love to spend, Lianjiutanhua, preoccupation, too sad to eat, Xindanjulie, timorous agitation, Hunfeipoyang, absence, like an ant on a hot pan, One could hear a pin drop., wolf
  • Antonym Group:  Eschew Drink, A leaky house not ashamed, fair, be strictly honest under all circumstances, Is not no rice tea, have done nothing to make one feel shameful, study and relish the beauties of literature, be very poor, Palpable heart feel no qualms, Darkroom leaky house, Slowly, Quilt shadow-deserved, Food is not to have eaten one's fill, ravenously