Explanation: Speech: Dodge. Labor: labor and the toil. Not hard to avoid fatigue. Describe people not afraid of hardship, perseverance strong. Usage: Verb-object type; as the predicate attribute; not afraid of toil and hard to describe Source: Tang Niu Su "Ji Wen Wu Baoan": "not wait, please diligence." Examples: Really rare, is not tired of her sympathy and ~ the service. (Qing "female physicians LIU Yun-bo")- Thesaurus: Not report labor, zealously and earnestly, work hard and not be upset by criticism; willingly bear the burden of office, bear the burden and heat of the day, Remorse, to regret a previous mistake, It will be too late to regret (often used in warning or dissuading somebody, Huizhiwuji, Regret of less than, Afterthought Mo and, Office workers of any blame, be full of remorse