Explanation: To a new place and _set_tled down, permanently. Usage: Joint type; as predicate, object; compliment, can be used for people or things Source: Ding Ling, "Du Wan": "We are determined to _set_tle here." Examples: Taiwan received the second annual three quarters, we have a few months to as long as the hard work to be ~ the. (Guo, "Zheng" Chapter IV) Riddle: Geniuses palace- Thesaurus: pitch a camp, Foothold, a very small piece of land, standing room, Cone place _set_, Pin Place, hypostatic union, exquisite, Interlocking, A corner Zhide, Love for the country, intend to be stationed for a long time, Yi Xizhidi, domiciliate
- Antonym Group: Soldiers to the block, No fixed abode Institute, destitute jobless, attempt to stop any onslaught, Rib Floating track, Rib Track of a wanderer, divagate uncertainly indefinitely, Qin Jian faded and fallen, Stem trace whereabouts of a wanderer, Track of a wanderer rib, duckweed Lead a wandering life change, Lead a wandering life Moding, Floating Ping broken stems, Lead a wandering life Broken stem