    Pinyin: wǔ guāng shí sè

    Usage: 联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义

    Explanation: 形容色彩鲜艳,花样繁多。

    Source: 南朝梁·江淹《丽色赋》五光徘徊,十色陆离。”

    Example: 故宫珍宝馆的玻璃柜里,摆着~的稀世奇珍。

    Riddle: 霓虹灯

  • Thesaurus:  do not stick to one pattern, and these, of a wide variety, splendid in green and gold, Colorful, Linlang eyeful, so many beautiful things that one simply can't take them all in, numerous, Beautiful jade attracting attention, Jin Bi brilliance