母马,母驴雌马或其它马科动物中的雌性 A female horse or the female of other equine species.
雌雄同体热带大型常绿树种,生长快,披针状叶,有光泽;分布在苏门答腊和菲律宾到昆士兰北部一带。 a large fast-growing monoecious tropical evergreen tree having large glossy lanceolate leaves; of rain forests of Sumatra and Philippines to northern Queensland.
一种兰花,其总状花序中既有雌花又有雄花;其蕊柱有灵敏的附器,当触及时花粉立即从雄蕊中释放出来。 orchid having both male and female flowers in the same raceme; when a sensitive projection at the base of the column of the male flower is touched the pollen is suddenly ejected.
毛茛一种毛茛属草本植物,主要产于温带和寒带,有苦的汁液,齿形或圆形叶片,通常开黄色或白色多雌蕊的花 Any of numerous herbs of the genus Ranunculus, native chiefly to temperate and cold regions and having acrid juice, often toothed or lobed leaves, and usually yellow or white flowers with numerous pistils.
下至于养只雌鸡,也是要它生蛋,这些道理,她完全明白,然而眼泪只是要流,她自己也没法制止,这才明白眼泪是不同人家讲道理的。 even a hen is expected to lay eggs. She understood all the rationale, but the tears continued to flow. She couldn't stop them.And till then she realized tears couldn't be used to appeal to reason with others.
刚刚产过卵的雌鲑鱼。 female salmon that has recently spawned.
受精丝一种发状的末端隆起,构成某些真菌或海藻类的雌性生殖结构的受精部位 A hairlike terminal process forming the receptive part of the female reproductive structure in certain fungi or algae.
雌蕊先熟的花中柱头在该花花药释放花粉以前就有接受能力的或与此有关的 Of or relating to a flower in which the stigma is receptive before the pollen is shed from the anthers of the same flower.
(雌性动物的)动情,动情周期大多数哺乳动物(包括人类)的雌性产生的周期性的性冲动,在此期间内雌性具有排卵的优势,所以该期间最适合性交;刺激 The periodic state of sexual excitement in the female of most mammals, excluding human beings, that immediately precedes ovulation and during which the female is most receptive to mating; heat.
雌鹿雌性的赤鹿 A female red deer.
雌苏格兰水鸡红松鸡的雌鸟 The female red grouse.
这可能是因为没有时间筹建第二个家庭,雌鸟就决定最好还是努力把现在的孩子抚养大。 This is probably because, as there is no time to raise second family, the female decides her efforts are better spent raising her current brood to adulthood.
子房雌蕊中含有胚珠的较底的部分,成熟为果实 The ovule-bearing lower part of a pistil that ripens into a fruit.
在电视辩论中决一雌雄的政界敌手 Rival politicians shooting it out in a television debate
几十年来,女性一直被告知雌激素结合孕激素服用,不仅能缓解更年期阵发性发热感、失眠症,而且能帮助保持骨骼强度、心智锐敏,而最重要的是--有益心脏健康。 Women had been told for decades that estrogen taken with progestin would not only ease hot flashes and insomnia but help preserve bone strength,mental acuity and,most important,heart health.
雌核生殖一种单性生殖,精子激活卵子,但是卵子和精子核没有融合 Parthenogenesis in which the egg is activated by sperm, but without fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei.
这表明,雄性本身并无特别之处,只是雄性通常比雌性的块头大,至少在哺乳动物中是如此。” "This suggests that there is nothing special about being male per se, it is just that males tend to be larger than females(in mammals, at least)".
授精将精液引入或注入到(雌性生物)的生殖器官 To introduce or inject semen into the reproductive tract of(a female).
本周五,4个队将在半决赛中决一雌雄。 This Friday, four teams will battle it out in the semifinals.
尾须某些昆虫尾部外侧一对有感觉功能的附尾之一,如雌蚊的尾须 Either of a pair of terminal, dorsolateral sensory appendages of certain insects, such as the female mosquito.
客迈拉一种通常被描绘成狮子、山羊和蛇的组合体吐火的雌性怪物 A fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.
他们来此,希望一决雌雄。 They came, spoiling for a showdown.
麦克总是故意寻衅,企图同威廉决一雌雄。 Mike is always trailing his coat in an attempt to have a showdown with William.
西半球有毒的蜘蛛;雌体为黑色且腹部下方有沙漏状的红色斑点。 venomous New World spider; the female is black with an hourglass-shaped red mark on the underside of the abdomen.
产卵器管状结构,通常隐蔽的但有时延伸出腹部外部,雌性虫子用以放置蛋或卵 A tubular structure, usually concealed but sometimes extending outside the abdomen, with which many female insects deposit eggs.
镰松;雌雄异体的常绿热带树木和灌木,具有镰刀状的叶子。 sickle pines: dioecious evergreen tropical trees and shrubs having sickle-shaped leaves; similar to Dacrycarpus in habit; Malaysia and Philippines to New Guinea and New ledonia.
雌雄同熟的雄蕊和雌蕊同时成熟的 Having stamens and pistils that mature simultaneously.
雌雄同体的陆栖和水栖环节动物,只在沿身体部位有鬃毛。 hermaphroditic terrestrial and aquatic annelids having bristles borne singly along the length of the body.
布朗克斯动物园的雌非洲豹对"迷惑"男士香水情有独钟,而皇后动物园的美洲狮和猞猁却完全不吃这一套,它们任何时候都会对臭鼬尿液提取物感兴趣。 Female cheetahs at the Bronx Zoo may rank Obsession for Men as their favorite perfume. But forget that for the pumas and lynx at the Queens Zoo. They'll take skunk urine extract any day.
对雌雄同体人的俚语的说法。 slang term for a bisexual person.
为什么诺亚没有把那两支蚊子打死?(诺亚方舟上带有每种动物的雌雄各一只) Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
政党领袖在电视辩论中一决雌雄。 The party leader is slog it out in a tv debate.